Services Offered:
Copy editing
Line editing
Proof reading
Content development
Usually if I do one, I do all as it's difficult not to mention an error or to fail to provide what I think would be helpful suggestions to the writer.
For any or all of these services I currently charge $3.00 a page.
A page is defined as approximately 250 words, double spaced, 12 pt. type (minimum)
In order to give you the chance to see if you find my editing style helpful, I will read the first 25 pages for a flat fee of $50.
If I edit your entire manuscript, once you have finished implementing the changes, I will give you one free re-read.
I use Word and Track Changes for the initial edit but I also go over it manually to check for homonym errors, spell-check spelling errors, and of course for story development.
Complete re-writes or ghost writing fees can be negotiated.