The Books
The Acorna series Books 3-7
(note: Books 1-2, Acorna and Acorna's Quest were written by Anne McCaffrey and Margaret Ball)

Acorna's People
ISBN-13: 9780061807923​ Harper Collins
Filled with adventure and wonder, Acorna's Peoplecontinues the enthralling saga of Acorna, the beautiful, brave, and kindhearted creature known as the Unicorn Girl.
"Welcome Home, Linyaari Child!"
With the help of her "uncles" and the thousands of humans who love and admire her, Acorna has found her true people, the peaceful, telepathic Linyaari. But Acorna still has much to do before she can enjoy her new home. The legendary resting place of the lost Linyaari ancestors has yet to be found. And with the help of a rogue spacetrader and his feline sidekick, Acorna must strive to right an unspeakable wrong and defeat an enemy even crueler than the Khleevi. Along the way, she will at last uncover the Universe's most carefully guarded secret--the true nature of the ancient link between the Linyaari and the space-faring humans she has also come to think of as her "people."

Available in mass-market paperback, e-book and audio book format

Acorna's World (Book 4 in the series) ISBN-13: 9780061808562 Harper Collins

Acorna, the "unicorn girl" has made peace with her Linyaari past, and aboard the interplanetary salvage vessel Condor she is finally free. But dread overtakes her when a distress signal summons Acorna and her companions to a nearby planet. For among the myraid wonders of this world of sentient plants and intoxicating perfumes are unmistakable signs that everythng Acorna holds dear is in peril. A promise of world-shattering devastation is in the celestial winds-and impending catastrophe at the claws of the cold-blooded insectile race that seeks to eradicate all Linyaari and human life from the galaxy...the Khleevi!
Publishers Weekly - Publisher's Weekly
Gentle Unicorn Girl Acorna makes her fourth appearance in this galaxy-spanning successor to Acorna's Quest. Her shy, empathetic race, the pacific Linyaari, are still menaced by the horrid insectoid Khleevi, whose cannibalistic Young feast on their own elders as well as on other races they torture and destroy. Acorna, aboard the Condor, a spacegoing salvage ship captained by her friend Jonas Becker and accompanied by the vile-tempered Makahomian Temple Cat Road Kill and her Linyaari friend, Aari, who was previously maimed by the Khleevi, answers a distress call that leads her to a planet of sticky-veined sentient vines holding the secret to sapping the Khleevi and saving the Linyaari from extermination. Along the way, Acorna and Aari fall in love, a giant new Moon of Opportunity marketing venture (MOO) opens up for Acorna's adopted neo-Bedouin Uncle Hafiz, and the former slave children Acorna rescued earlier enjoy suitable education, gainful employment and a future of endless Happy Meals. Predictably strong on sweetness and light, noble self-sacrifice and plenty of teeny-bopper growing-up pangs--though correspondingly superficial in characterizations and future scientific wonders--this latest chapter in Acorna's adventures also offers (especially toward its close) some wry social commentary on capitalistic machinations and elder-eating younger generations: harmless good spacefaring fun. The novel includes a glossary of terms and proper names and "Brief Notes on the Linyaari Language." (Aug.) Copyright 2000 Cahners Business Information.|
Library Journal
Returning to deep space after coming to terms with her lost heritage, the unicorn-like woman known as Acorna answers a distress signal that leads her to a new planet threatened by an old and vicious enemy. The fourth installment in this popular adventure series (Acorna, Acorna's People) demonstrates the storytelling expertise of coauthors McCaffrey and Scarborough. Old and new characters, exotic alien races, and unique methods of problem-solving make this a good choice for sf collections. Copyright 2000 Cahners Business Information.\

Available in mass-market paperback, e-book and audio book format

Acorna's Search (Book 5 in the series)​
ISBN-13: 9780380818464 Harper Collins
In this new tale, Acorna's people, the Linyaari, have survived an attack from a mortal enemy, but their planet, naarhi-Vhiliinyar, and their original homeworld, Vhiliinyar, have been ravaged. Now, they are determined to restore both.
But as their work begins, Linyaari begin disappearing, including Acorna's lifemate, Aari. Searching for him, Acorna discovers the remains of a subterranean world that belonged to the Friends, an advanced society that populated Vhiliinyar long ago. What happened to the Friends? Acorna knows that to save Aari, she must find the answers—a quest that will take her back into deep space to uncover the origins of her people.
Publishers Weekly
Homecoming for Acorna of the Linyaari turns out to be not only bittersweet (because of the damage sustained to the planet during its occupation by the Khleevi) but treacherous in this fanciful continuation of the Adventures of the Unicorn Girl (Acorna; Acorna's Quest; etc.) from fantasy titans McCaffrey (The Dragonriders of Pern) and Scarborough (The Healer's War). Acorna finds out that there's much more to her world than she or anyone else had imagined. It all starts when the teams who are helping to survey the planet for terraforming start to disappear, one by one. At first, Acorna is only a little worried about the disappearances of her friends and co-workers, but when her life-mate Aari goes missing, Acorna will move heaven and earth to bring him back. Mac (an android who wishes he were a Linyaari, even to the point of fashioning himself a horn), a cat named Roadkill and a youngish Linyaari named Thariinye all help Acorna in her search. Acorna and her hastily gathered team race against time (literally) and space to find their missing crewmates, pitting their wits against a world that has been decimated by warfare and a lack of information of any kind and transformed by technology that's more advanced than any they have seen before. As a book in a continuing series, this title will be better understood by those who've read the previous five volumes. There's enough story line to keep readers going, however, even when they encounter unfamiliar plot points from previous novels. This is a light, fluffy, fun read, perfectly complemented by the jacket art showing a beautiful blonde with a little horn stuck on her forehead. (Jan. 15) Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information.
In this latest novel about Acorna, the unicorn girl, she and her fellow Linyaari people begin to salvage and restore their home planet, which was destroyed by the vicious Khleevi in the previous book, Acorna's World (HarperCollins, 2000). Members of the surveying teams, who are working to locate the major mountains and streams underneath all the rubble, one-by-one start disappearing without a trace. When Aari, Acorna's life-mate, disappears, she frantically begins a search for him. The search spans the rest of the novel. She takes with her Roadkill, the cat; Mac, the android; and young Thariinye. Along the way, they discover their ancestors and the Linyaari people's history and folklore. They also discover that deep within their planet, a lavish world still exists. By novel's end all lost members have been found, except Aari, although he has been sighted, leaving the door open for the next book in the series. The Linyaari people have the ability to communicate telepathically, which is compelling for the most part, and Acorna's search for her people takes her through several adventures. Nevertheless neither Acorna's story nor the writers' language contains the richness that one usually encounters when reading McCaffrey. Still, fans of the series will enjoy the suspense that this continuation of the Unicorn Girl series offers them. VOYA CODES: 3Q 3P M J (Readable without serious defects; Will appeal with pushing; Middle School, defined as grades 6 to 8; Junior High, defined as grades 7 to 9). 2001, EOS/HarperCollins, 292p,
— Cynthia Grady
Library Journal
After the departure of the hostile Khleevi from the Linyaari home-world, Acorna and her psychically gifted, unicorn-horned people attempt to salvage their devastated planet. A series of mysterious disappearances propels Acorna and her companions on a desperate search that leads to the discovery of a secret at the heart of their world. The latest installment in the Acorna series delves into the ancient past of the Linyaari, opening new avenues for further novels. Coauthors McCaffrey and Scarborough exercise their storytelling skills to create an engaging tale that belongs in libraries where the series is popular. Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information.
Kirkus Reviews
The YA adventures of the girl with the unicorn horn sticking out of her head continue (Acorna's World, 2000, etc.), as the telepathic Acorna, her traumatized "life-mate" Aari, and others on two and four legs to heal their shattered homeworld. Having vanquished those nasty Khleevi bugs and put Aari on the road to recovery (a tiny, inch-long horn is growing out of his forehead), the Linyaari, the psychic humanoid crossbreed with unicorns, return to Planet Vhiliinyar and find an ecological disaster of fetid swamps, polluted streams and carnivorous plants that nearly devour the feisty cat Roadkill. The Linyaari are considering a big loan from the wealthy, somewhat untrustworthy Hafiz Harakamian in order to terraform their world back to what it was before the Khleevi ruined it. While taking preliminary surveys, a handful of Linyaari, including Aari, vanish mysteriously. Acorna and friends consult their four-legged unicorn ancestors, who show them fragile hand- (hoof?-) written records, and drop enigmatic hints that imply that these disappearances might have to do with a hidden cave carved out by the Ancestor Friends, who originally rescued the unicorns from Earth and brought them to Vhiliinyar. With the help of the loquacious android Mac (who has outfitted himself with a series of mechanical horns), Acorna discover the cave, which is filled with old carvings and lined with a substance that dampens communication gear. One of the missing Linyaari turns up, but before Acorna can find out more about what happened, she and her explorers are menaced by a pair of bear-like "hairy monsters." The cave leads to an ancient buried city that predictably reveals secrets about the Linyaari past, adds anethical complication to the terraforming question, and includes additional plot threads for the next installment. Dialogue-soggy, overcute, featherweight YA space-opera, a mix of light fantasy with coming-of-age themes about social responsibility and solemn respect for elders.

Available in mass-market paperback, e-book and audio book format

Acorna's Rebels (Book 6 in Acorna series)ISBN-13: 9780380818471 Harper Collins
"Acorna's people, the Linyaari, have started to reclaim their homeworld from the ravages of the brutal alien Khleevi. But the expedition has unlocked a larger mystery about the origins of the Linyaari people - one that has led Aari, Acorna's beloved lifemate, into a dangerous journey through time and space. A journey from which Aari may never return." "Now Acorna, joined by Captain Becker, Mac, Nadhari, and RK, sets off on a determined mission to save her beloved. But a forced crash landing brings the crew to the exotic jungle world of Makahomia, home of the mysterious Temple Cats. Beautiful and barbaric, Makahomia has been blockaded for years to protect itself - and the Federation." "Racing to save the Temple Cats from a deadly disease, Acorna uncovers a sinister plot to destroy the sacred felines and exploit Makahomia's people, an evil scheme that reaches out into the very depths of space." While Nadhari confronts the demons of her childhood, Acorna must lead a small band of determined rebels to stop the conspiracy and unravel a dangerous mystery, a quest that takes them into the secret temples and hidden sanctuaries of that world. But within one sacred shrine Acorna
discovers shocking information that may lead to Aari...or to disaster.
Publishers Weekly
McCaffrey (the Pern series) and Scarborough (The Healer's War) offer another readable, lightweight cross between fantasy and SF in their latest novel about Acorna, the Unicorn Girl. A member of the Linyaari, a humanoid race with horns in the middle of their foreheads, Acorna continues to hunt for her beloved life-mate, Aari, who disappeared in Acorna's Search (2002). She travels aboard the starship Condor to the planet Makahomia, which she finds in the grip of a plague killing the sacred Temple cats. Acorna fights a desperate rearguard action against the plague with her horn's healing power, but the mystery clearly lies deeper. With the aid of both Condor shipmates, who include the Temple cat Roadkill (aka RK), and local Makahomians, among them shape-changing priests who can turn into cats, Acorna strives to prevent disaster. She ends up somewhat closer to Aari's trail through space and time, but clearly with several books worth of adventures to go before she reaches him. While it's not up to the highest level of either author's work, this installment will certainly engage long-time readers of the series. And don't overlook its being a feast for cat lovers! (Feb. 1) FYI: Scarborough's The Healer's War won a Nebula award. Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information.
Unicorn girl Acorna, having just come from exploring the mysteries of her people's former home world, Vhiliinyar, where her lifemate, Aarie, was lost in the mists of time, now signs for another voyage with the scavenger captain Jonas Becker. This time they are journeying to the home world of bodyguard Nadhari Kando, trying to find a link between Makahomia's temple cats and the lost pahaaritiyirs of Vhiliinyar while also trying to locate the missing Aarie. When they reach Makahomia, they are forced to deal with Nadhari's cousin, a priest determined to force Makahomia out of its agrarian ways and into the technological universe by any means necessary, including killing the sacred cats. This sixth book in the Acorna series is the fourth that McCaffrey has cowritten with Scarborough. For a series with such an unlikely sounding premise-a humanoid girl with a unicorn's horn and hoofed feet who ends up using her healing powers to alter the fates of several worlds-the books about Acorna are beginning to develop into a well-fleshed-out universe. Although parts of the plot are too easily wrapped up, the book moves quickly. There is very little strong language, a few references to sexual abuse, and some mild violence. A good selection for a light, adventurous read, it is recommended for libraries with the rest of the series, although readers should be warned that some major plot issues are not resolved by the end, paving the way for book seven.
— Snow Wildsmith
Library Journal
On a quest for her missing lifemate, Aari, Acorna and her feline companion, the Temple cat known as RK, make an unscheduled stop on the tropical planet Makahomia, the home of the Temple cats. There, Acorna discovers a sinister plot against the sacred cats and the planet itself, as well as clues that could lead her to Aari-or to her death. Fans of the popular series by veterans McCaffrey ("Dragonriders of Pern" series) and Scarborough (The Healer's War) featuring the "unicorn-girl" Acorna should enjoy this fast-paced, well-plotted tale of a young woman's compassion and determination.
Available in mass-market paperback, e-book and audio book format

Acorna's Triumph (Book 7 in Acorna series) ​ISBN-13: 9780380818488 Harper Collins

Now, with Acorna's Triumph, they turn to the dramatic conclusion of the series, as Acorna faces her most difficult challenge ever. She has defeated slavers, a deadly international conspiracy, and the vicious alien Khleevi, only to endure the loss of her beloved Aari, distant in both time and space.
Now, finally, Aari has returned, and together they can finish rebuilding their home world. But Aari is oddly changed, to the point where he barely remembers Acorna — much less their love — and his actions grow more and more sinister ... As Acorna tries to stop a vicious criminal from destroying innocents, a new complication arises. Sensing the Linyaari weakness, the deadly Khleevi return, determined to take back the planet—for good. In this dark time, it will take all of the unicorn girl's courage and determination to rescue Aari and stop the alien menace once and for all.
Publishers Weekly
More episodic than its predecessors, McCaffrey and Scarborough's finale to the charming Acorna saga will please the two authors' many fans and lovers of horses and cats generally. Last seen in Acorna's Rebels (2003), the unicorn girl has finally located her missing life-mate, Aari, though his exile in time has resulted in a disturbing personality change. Besides helping Aari to recover, Acorna must retrieve a hoard of jewels-chrysoberyls used in terraforming, stolen by a troupe of dancing girls with anti-gravity belts-from three races of sulfur-based beings, the Liquids, Solids and Mutables. She must also contend with the return of the Khleevi, disgusting insectoid aliens with evil designs on Acorna's home planet. And of course there is Grimalkin, the felinoid shape-changer, whose antics delay the well-deserved happy ending after all the bopping back and forth through time, across space and in flight from the Khleevi. While this light SF/fantasy romp is a hopeless proposition for newcomers to Acorna's travels, it serves as a fitting coda to the series. Both Acorna and Aari and their creators can ride off into the starlight with clear consciences.
Library Journal
The Linyaari home world of Vhiliinyar has been reclaimed, and Acorna, the unicorn-horned girl, has found her life-mate, Aari, who had once suffered at the hands of the Khleevi invaders. However, all is not right, since Aari has changed drastically, and Acorna discovers a new threat of an invasion by the Linyaari's ancient enemies. Veteran sf writers McCaffrey ("Dragonriders of Pern" series) and Scarborough (The Healer's War) combine their talents in this conclusion to a series about a young woman's growth into maturity and her determined search for her missing people and her vanished mate. Strong characters and a good eye for storytelling make this a good choice for most libraries. Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information.

Available in mass-market paperback, e-book and audio book format